Category: Module 3

Capacity Management Project

Course 3 Lessons Engineering Capacity ManagementBackground You work for Legion Digital, a fortune 500 that recently catapulted into the top 100 companies in the world with innovative lending products primarily designed, to help grow technology companies globally. Legion Digital has diversified its product by developing a high-end mobile device called “The Roman”. The Roman is […]

External Dark Data

Course 1 Lessons Value-focused Definition of Dark Data: Data in any form that has or has not been attained and are needed but are not creating or providing, value or impact. Resultant from poor positioning, inability, illiteracy, obliviousness, or any impacting factor that is unintentional. Value-focused Definition of Data Products: A tool or asset that defines its […]

ULEADD: Design

Course 2 Lessons DESIGN DESIGN the path forward based on the learning and analysis that you’ve done. Your solution should be the best path forward and it should encompass scaling for growth and future changes caused by the unknown.DESIGN the: to be solution, will be solution, and should be solution Design, focusing on Outcome Attainment […]

ULEADD: Define

Course 2 Lessons DEFINE Clearly Define all of the criteria for design and implementation, based on the actual needs for satisfying our objectives.We’ll need to include the definition for solving and not solving the unknown and part of our overall path to success. How we will Define the scope of delivered value Problem scope can […]

Dark Data Design Intro

Course 2 Lessons Define and Design In this module we’ll be starting the process of creating the view of the future deliverable. At this point we have a clear view of the needs for value creation, now we will develop the definition for Dark Data utilization of both internal and external data as well as […]

Unattainable Data: Tier 4

Course 1 Lessons Value-focused Definition of Unattainable Data: Data that cannot be captured in any shape or form due to lack of knowledge limits with modern technology or other unknown limitations. Unattainable Dark Data This data is primarily unknown, there are very few scenarios in which organizations can be made aware of this data and collecting […]

Uncaptured Data: Tier 3

Course 1 Lessons Value-focused Definition of Uncaptured Data: Uncaptured Data is data that is available for capture but is unintentionally not captured, either due to lack of awareness, lack of capability, lack of capacity, legal constraints, political constraints, or lack of organizational maturity. Uncaptured Dark Data Uncaptured data can be a good place to enhance an […]