Lesson Highlights for Course 2
Course 2 :: Module 1 :: Lesson 1
Course 2 Lessons A strategic approach to positioning yourself and organization for handling Dark Data more successfully To position yourself for success with Dark Data, you must be both PRAGMATIC and IDEALISTIC. Benefits of ULEADD...
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ULEADD: Understand
Course 2 :: Module 1 :: Lesson 2
Course 2 Lessons UnderstandAn in-depth UNDERSTANDING of the expected outcomes, impacts and results at the onset of a deliverable.Asking questions is critical and identifying the reasons behind what's being delivered. (Who, What, When, etc.) Our...
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Course 2 :: Module 1 :: Lesson 3
Course 2 Lessons LEARN LEARNING what is actually needed, and the actual impacts is critical to being able to begin the evaluation process. You need to LEARN everything about the project constraints and the people...
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ULEADD: Intro to Impact Centered Design
Course 2 :: Module 2 :: Lesson 1
Course 2 Lessons Understanding What/How to Target Our primary objective with Dark Data is delivering VALUE, which is done through Impact-Centered Design Earning the Right to Design So far we have made progress towards, "earning...
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ULEADD: Evaluate
Course 2 :: Module 2 :: Lesson 2
Course 2 Lessons EVALUATE EVALUATE what you’ve understood and what you’ve learned and analyze the alignment with the impacts and results needed. You need to EVALUATE what you know, what others know, how accuracy of...
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ULEADD: Assess
Course 2 :: Module 2 :: Lesson 3
Course 2 Lessons ASSESS Assess if there are any roadblocks in moving forward and which way you need to go. Is the path forward clear enough to start the design.Assess the need to revisit requirements...
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Dark Data Design Intro
Course 2 :: Module 3 :: Lesson 1
Course 2 Lessons Define and Design In this module we'll be starting the process of creating the view of the future deliverable. At this point we have a clear view of the needs for value...
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ULEADD: Define
Course 2 :: Module 3 :: Lesson 2
Course 2 Lessons DEFINE Clearly Define all of the criteria for design and implementation, based on the actual needs for satisfying our objectives.We'll need to include the definition for solving and not solving the unknown...
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ULEADD: Design
Course 2 :: Module 3 :: Lesson 3
Course 2 Lessons DESIGN DESIGN the path forward based on the learning and analysis that you’ve done. Your solution should be the best path forward and it should encompass scaling for growth and future changes...
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