ULEADD: Intro to Impact Centered Design

Understanding What/How to Target

Our primary objective with Dark Data is delivering VALUE, which is done through Impact-Centered Design

Earning the Right to Design

So far we have made progress towards, “earning the right to design.” Below is what we have done in the previous two lessons. It is important to not begin defining and designing before we’ve understood the challenge, learned the impacting factors and other relative information, Evaluated our position and capabilities, and assessed our needs and possible impacts. In this module we’ll focus on the Evaluate and Assess segments of ULEADD and dive into how Impact Centered Design (ICD) plays a big part in the final output of a product or service.

In Impact Centered Design we focus on the impact of the value that we want to provide to the end user/customer. This is customer-centric view founded upon impact evaluation.

The diagram below displays Value as a output/result of Design, Process, Resource and Direction. Value can be expressed in a variety of ways: organizational growth, product performance, consumer behavior, brand value, service quality, customer/user experience, market position, organizational capability, societal impact, and more. The four inputs to value can be segmented into two categories: Strategy and Execution. The four inputs have a variety of contributing factors that need to all work in a integrated manner for the purpose of providing the value that an organization seeks to obtain.

The 5 fundamentals of ICD work synergistically to help organizations unlock their capacity and grow bigger, better, faster. Shedding light on the UNKNOWN FACTORS, that contribute to managing & measuring the connection of delivered VALUE between prioritized IMPACT-CENTERED OUTPUT to its contributors: DIRECTION, DESIGN, RESOURCE, & PROCESS

There are arrays of tools and tactics that can be used to aid in efficacy across these five fundamentals. many of them can be used or observed across both strategy and execution, some are more narrowly focused. Below is a full view of the ICD with some of the tools listed out in the tools and tactics section. For a full comprehensive detailing of ICD refer to the ReDesign the Box book series.

If you’d like to downlod or view the full scale image of ICD CLICK HERE