Lesson Highlights for Course 3
Dark Data Principles
Course 3 :: Module 1 :: Lesson 1
Course 3 Lessons The Four Core Principles of Extracting Value from Dark Data Data is generally an engineering disciple however, Extracting value from Dark Data is more of an art that is founded on engineering...
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Commitment to Granularity
Course 3 :: Module 1 :: Lesson 2
Course 3 Lessons Data granularity is a measure of the level of detail in a data structure. In time-series dataWe see the most opportunity for impact from data granularity in the 2nd tier (Generative Data) of...
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Design for Change
Course 3 :: Module 1 :: Lesson 3
Course 3 Lessons A strategic approach to positioning yourself and organization for handling Dark Data more successfully To position yourself for success with Dark Data, you must be both PRAGMATIC and IDEALISTIC. Benefits of ULEADD...
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Standardization of Data Enrichment
Course 3 :: Module 1 :: Lesson 4
Course 3 Lessons Standardizing the data enrichment process can help ensure consistency and accuracy in the resulting data. Some of the steps we can take to standardize the data enrichment process: Define clear objectives: Before...
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Dynamic Intelligence Management
Course 3 :: Module 1 :: Lesson 5
Course 3 Lessons Managing intelligence effectively can help organizations make effective decisions and obtain the competitive advantage. there are many ways to obtain a competitive advantage and managing intelligence dynamically is one of the best....
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Insights & Intelligence
Course 3 :: Module 2 :: Lesson 1
Course 3 Lessons Value-focused definition of Actionable Intelligence Actionable intelligence is relevant, timely, accurate, and contextually relevant information that can be acted upon to produce a desired outcome or result, that provides an organization a...
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Role of Data Management
Course 3 :: Module 2 :: Lesson 2
Course 3 Lessons DAMA International(Data Management Association) Data Management is the development, execution, and supervision of plans, policies, programs, and practices that deliver, control, protect, and enhance the value of data and information assets throughout...
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Capacity Management Project
Course 3 :: Module 3 :: Lesson 1
Course 3 Lessons Engineering Capacity ManagementBackground You work for Legion Digital, a fortune 500 that recently catapulted into the top 100 companies in the world with innovative lending products primarily designed, to help grow technology...
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