Design for Change

A strategic approach to positioning yourself and organization for handling Dark Data more successfully

To position yourself for success with Dark Data, you must be both PRAGMATIC and IDEALISTIC.

Benefits of ULEADD

  • Clear framework for discovery
  • Standardized approach to problem-solving
  • Helpful strategies to navigate cultural challenges
  • Flexibility for personal touch

There are many project and process management frameworks that have tested and have been in use through over many decades. ULEADD is not a framework to replace these proven techniques. Rather it is something that should be use in conjunction with them at the on set of any endeavor. If you’re using DMAIC, Waterfall, Scrum/Agile, IDOV, or anything similar ULEADD is something you can use in addition that will allow you to approach problem-solving in a more clear manner. ULEADD requires us to take a step back and analyze the situation overall, inclusive on environmental and contextual impacts. These impacts in many cases contain Dark Data and other unknowns that creep into the problem-solving process and cause harm.

ULEADD Prevents

  • Unimpactful product development
  • Waste (Muda)
  • Unnecessary failure
  • Reduces organizational politics
  • Reduces bad decisioning


misunderstanding fit for use

This is a picture of an elevator in a build in Rio De Janiero Brazil. Although it is somewhat called out in red at the top (Na Cor vermelha = “In red color”) that the elevator passengers should use the red labels to identify what floor they want to arrive. The people who did this didn’t think about practical human usage and typical human behavior. I noticed that I wasn’t the only person who was initially confused other passengers were as well. a few people pressed the wrong button then had to press the correct button causing everyone in the elevator to have an extra stop.

The people who put this solution together didn’t think about the main objective they didn’t understand the problem. they just decided to correct the numbers however they saw fit.